DIY Feed My Paws Recipe: Salmon Tart for Dogs and Cats!
Hi everyone!
Happy new year!!! Gosh... It's already February?! Where did January go?! I hope everyone has had an awesome new year so far! It was such a crazy time since Christmas for me. Aside from the fact that I was super busy with work, my timeline was pretty much:
Christmas celebration, New year's celebration, my mum's 60th birthday, my 6th anniversary celebration with my partner, Chinese new year celebration, today it's 'everybody's birthday' based on the Lunar calendar so yet ANOTHER celebration, then it's Skotch's birthday this weekend! I'm not looking forward to Valentine's Day to be honest, I think I'm done with celebrations for now :P
So yes, that's why I haven't been able to commit to coming up with more recipes but I'm gonna try hard to change that now!
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TODAY'S RECIPE: SALMON TART! :) A few simple ingredients is all you need!
- 80g Brown Rice Flour* (and a little extra for rolling your dough later)
- 2 Eggs
- 100g sliced fresh Salmon (You can use other types of fish)
- 2 teaspoons Coconut Oil (or olive oil)**
- A non-stick tart case (I used a mini one that's 11.5cm in diameter)
*Other recommended types of flour include oat flour, garbanzo bean (chickpea) flour, coconut flour, or, buckwheat flour. I'm not a fan of wheat flour as it tends to "bloat" in the oven (also a nightmare to roll out because it keeps bouncing back together!) and I don't like my tarts looking out of shape, but that's just a personal preference.
**Can you make this without oil? Unfortunately not. I've tried making it without oil and the tart base ended up cracking because it was way too dry.
Video tutorial (or picture tutorial below):
Step 1:
Add oil to brown rice flour, and begin to add egg gradually. Mix each time you add a little more egg. If you add too much egg and the dough gets too soft, just add a little more flour. You know it's ready when the dough comes together :)
Step 2:
Lightly flour your surface and roll out your dough to approximately 0.3-0.4cm thick. Place it over the tart base and press gently into the grooves. Remove excess dough from the sides by rolling your rolling pin over it.
Step 3:
Arrange salmon in a fan pattern, or any pattern you like! :)
Step 4:
Pour the rest of the egg over (discard the extra if there's any, or microwave it and eat it haha, you just need enough egg to fill the tart).
Step 5:
After baking, remove to cool. Slice only once the tart is cool, otherwise there's a very high chance it'll break apart and you don't want that after putting in so much effort!!
Yup, they approved. I also think Hoovy is slightly ashamed that he has such a greedy older brother, haha! *looks away and sighs*
Making this for a human? Substitute coconut oil with salted butter for a little more flavour! I find that salmon is naturally salty on its own, so no additional seasoning required for that :)
*This recipe is not intended for commercial purposes. When reposting or recreating this recipe on online platforms, kindly credit Feed My Paws (website, and video). For commercial printing, kindly email info@feedmypaws.com
ENJOY! Follow me on Instagram @FeedMyPaws.
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