DIY FeedMyPaws Recipe: Summer Fruity Popsicles! (for dogs!)
Hi everyone! Hasn't the weather been absolutely scorching recently?! We've been constantly stuffing ourselves with ice cold juices, slushies, and ice cream, but our poor boys couldn't have any of those! So guess what?? Here's a dog-friendly popsicle recipe! Hehe. It's dog-friendly, AND human-friendly too! We're just too greedy, we would never come up with something we couldn't eat hahaha. This simple recipe makes 4 popsicles, it might vary depending on your popsicle holder, but we got ours from Daiso :) If you have leftovers, just freeze them in little ice cube trays, or small containers :) You can also refrigerate the mixture (for up to 48 hours) and freeze it once your popsicle container has space again! :) Okay here we go with the ingredients list!
- 100g fresh strawberries
- 1 green kiwi
- 1 yellow kiwi
- A few blackberries
- 100g low-fat or fat-free PLAIN yoghurt
- 1 tablespoon honey (the honey isn't compulsory, but it's the trick to giving your yoghurt that creamy ice-cream like texture after it's frozen. Without honey, it tends to be a little more like ice, and a little less like yummy ice-cream, hehe)
You can substitute with any of your favourite fruits (as long as it's dog-friendly! so we DON'T RECOMMEND fruits like avocado, lemons, limes, grapes, etc). We highly recommend blueberries, papaya, banana, and watermelon!
You can also add supplements such as flaxseed oil, coconut oil, probiotics, etc :)
- Several bowls (to hold your fruits)
- Chopping board and knife/peeler
- A blender or a fork (to mush up fruits)
- Popsicle holder or ice cube tray
ENJOY! Share your pictures with us on Instagram by tagging us @FeedMyPaws or using #feedmypaws and #feedmypawsrecipe, or Like our Facebook page :)
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