DIY FeedMyPaws Recipe: Colourful Easter Eggs!
Hi everyone! Today we're gonna do a super simple recipe using vegetable juices! I used 3 natural colours to make these pretty Easter Eggs :) This requires advanced preparation, so I would recommend doing it the night before so the eggs have enough time to get to this colour :)
- As many hard boiled eggs as you like
- Beetroot (pink, although it turned out purplish, haha)
- Spinach (green, turned out baby green)
- Turmeric powder (yellow)
You also need 3 containers (to soak the eggs in overnight) :)
Essentially what you need to do is soak your eggs in the following:
Given the nature of my work I actually do an advanced one week prep for these juices, so I don't have pictures of that, however, I do have very simple step by step instructions! :)
1. Wash, peel and chop up one beetroot (I would recommend wearing an apron or a dark coloured top. Beetroot stains are really hard to get out!!)
2. Place beetroot in a pot and pour enough water to just cover the chopped beetroots
3. Boil until liquid turns a dark pink (usually about 10 minutes)
4. Throw away the beetroot and leave liquid to cool (or you know, be lazy and just chuck everything in the container, beetroot pieces and all, haha!)
1. Wash and chop up spinach (I usually purchase organic spinach by the bag, and I would use about half a bag for this, roughly 2 handfuls)
2. Boil in a pan with enough water to cover the spinach (for about 10 minutes)
3. Leave to cool, then blend
1. Mix 1 teaspoon Organic Turmeric powder with 1 cup of water
Now, here we go!
Time for a very colourful bath!

Just make sure your eggs are dunked completely in the liquid for even colouring :) I ended up adding more eggs haha (you could also add more water, but I wanted the colours to be as bright as possible!). Now, keep them in the fridge overnight, and wake up to delicious, super cute, Easter eggs!!

HAPPY EASTER!! I hope you guys try out this recipe! :) If you do, tag us on Instagram (@FeedMyPaws) with the hashtag #feedmypawsrecipe or share a picture with us on Facebook (! We’d love to see them! It's just a little encouragement to keep working on more dog-friendly recipes :) I hope all your doggies love it!! :)
Home made dog treats and pupcakes, Made in SingaporeÂ
 Hypoallergenic / Grain-Free / Senior Special / Tasty / Vegetarian / Pupcake / Dog Cake